News | New MetroFreight Publication: A guidebook for considering freight in complete street design

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New MetroFreight Publication: A guidebook for considering freight in complete street design

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Complete Streets Considerations for Freight and Emergency vehicles is a guidebook for incorporating the needs of freight activities and emergency services into the design and operation of complete streets.  Under the leadership of Alison Conway, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, City College of New York, the guidebook was produced by faculty, staff and students at City College of New York, City University of New York, and the New York City Department of Transportation.  The guidebook was sponsored by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.  This guidebook will help planners and engineers to better incorporate freight activity in complete street design, reduce conflicts with transit, bicyclists and pedestrians, and make complete streets truly complete.

View the Complete Streets Considerations for Freight and Emergency Vehicles Guidebook

View Module 1 - Intro to Freight

View Module 2 - Intro to Emergency Services

View Module 3 - Street Design and Management Approaches

If you would like PowerPoint versions of the slides, please send an email to Alison Conway at [email protected]