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PSR Researchers Study Fragmentation in California's Daily Travels

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Daily life involves an assortment of tasks, with each activity or errand requiring different lengths of time traveling. These short trips that happen in day-to-day life are what PSR researcher Konstandinos Goulias, Professor of Transportation at UC Santa Barbara, and his team refer to as fragmentation, a mobility characteristic that affects activity-travel schedules. While fragmentation is a concept familiar to our lives, answering the question of how activity-fragmentation exists in our daily patterns ...

METRANS Advisory Board Endorses New Name for METRANS

Thursday, April 29, 2021

The METRANS Advisory Board met in early April to discuss strategic changes to the METRANS name and logo as well as to receive updates on 2021 signature METRANS events. The virtual meeting included team members from both USC and CSULB including METRANS Director Genevieve Giuliano and METRANS Deputy Director Tom O’Brien. Amongst the 23 members who attended were representatives from Caltrans, Automobile Club of Southern California, Harbor Trucking Association, UPS Transportation Operations ...


PSR Researcher Dan Wei Analyzes the Socioeconomic Dimensions of Transportation Network Disruptions and Discusses Resilience Tactics

Thursday, April 29, 2021

The year 2020 has accentuated the importance of preparation and response to disaster and disruption. A global pandemic and the recent Suez Canal blockage in 2021 come with a lesson—unexpected disruptions can and will happen, and it is advantageous to prepare for disturbances ahead of time instead of improvising during precarious moments. Although it is impossible to predict precisely what will happen in the future, it is possible to prepare for general network disruptions through insights ...


PSR Congress 2021 - A Remote but Rewarding Experience

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Fourth Annual Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (PSR) Congress took place virtually on April 12th and 13th and was filled with transportation information to inspire, motivate, and encourage imaginative problem-solving skills for the transportation research community. There were many subjects discussed in the main room and side rooms during the on-line conference, covering topics from freight delivery to the implications of sea level rise on transportation systems. The ...

METRANS Giuliano and Lu Research COVID Impacts on Mobility in Los Angeles

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

  On March 25th, METRANS and the Pacific Southwest University Transportation Center (PSR), along with special partner, the University of Southern California Associated Students of Planning and Development (USC ASPD), launched their third and final online research seminar for the Spring 2021 webinar series. USC ASPD is a student group representing Master of Urban Planning students that works to explore and promote academic and professional development issues related to the field of urban ...

METRANS Spring 2021 Student Professional Development Series

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

In Spring 2021, METRANS organized and hosted a series of three professional development designed for students and young professionals to enhance soft skills and to network with their peers. Topics included the informational interview, approaches to dealing with criticism, and strategies of leadership and team building.   Using the Information Interview: A Powerful Tool in Job Search and in Life   What is the information interview and how do we maximize its value? On Tuesday, ...

UC Davis' Jesus Barajas Looks at Transportation Safety through the Lens of Equity

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

On February 25th, 2021, the University of California, Davis presented “Safe for Whom: Transportation Safety in the Context of Planning and Infrastructure Equities,” research on how identity shapes the way cyclists experience the streetscape, how safety has multiple meanings particularly for people of color, and how inequity in the distribution of infrastructure compounds police injustice in Black Communities. Presented by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Department of ...

Meet METRANS Fast Facts Team

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

To enable quick access to research, METRANS has launched the Fast Facts project, an ongoing series of cutting-edge research summaries created by students for students- and anyone - who’d like an easy to read introduction to new transportation research.  We hope that these short research summaries will make the ongoing research at METRANS/PSR more accessible and interesting to students and the general public ad will introduce various transportation and planning topics in a quick, easy-to-read ...

METRANS Director and Research Assistant Present on Mobility Pattern Changes at the WRSA Virtual Conference

Thursday, April 1, 2021

METRANS Director Genevieve Giuliano and USC PhD Candidate Yougeng Lu presented a paper on the mobility impacts of COVID 19 at the 2021 Western Regional Science Association (WRSA) 60th Annual Meeting Virtual Conference on February 22. The WRSA is a multidisciplinary group of academics and professionals, including university scholars and practitioners from the government and private sector, who are interested in scientific analysis of different regions. The conference was held virtually for the first ...

Sustainable Freight Certificate Garners National Audience with the Mindful Mobility Tech Talk Series

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Since its founding in 1998, METRANS has sought to fulfill its ongoing mission to solve metropolitan transportation problems through research, education and outreach. This mission has progressed beyond state borders and led to greater outreach on a national scale through members of the center and its partners. Recently, the Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Coalition, Mobilize California (MobilizeCA), Advanced Transportation and Logistics (ATL), and the Green Transportation Summit and Expo (GTSE) ...

PSR Researchers Explore Ways to Better Integrate Transportation Planning and Execution

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Transportation planning is a vital aspect of a region’s economic well-being and residents’ quality of life. State measures like the recent California Complete Streets Act (AB 1358), which mandates plans for the “development of multimodal transportation” for its cities and counties, emphasizes the ongoing motivation for progress in transportation planning. While state laws give general guidelines for planning, each city and county control much of the planning process, which ...

PSR Researchers Make Recommendations to Address Biking Inequities

Thursday, April 1, 2021

As an environmentally sustainable and low-cost mode of transportation, biking is a potential tool for addressing social equity. However, that potential has yet to be realized due to disparities in policy and infrastructure. In the 21st century, biking trends have seen a significant shift as more people of color rely on their bicycles. Where prior trends in commuting only indicated that 0.3% of African Americans used their bikes compared to White Americans at 0.5%, there has been a significant increase ...