Key Personnel

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Key Personnel



Genevieve Giuliano
Ferraro Chair in Effective Local Government
Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA  90089-0626
213-740-0001 (fax)
[email protected]


Thomas O’Brien
Associate Dean, College of Professional and Continuing Education
California State University, Long Beach
6300 State University Drive - Suite 255
Long Beach, CA  90815-8002
562-985-2873 (fax)
[email protected]


Laetitia Dablanc
Director of Research
IFSTTAR, French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks University Paris-Est
Universite Paris-Est, IFSTTAR, AME
14-20 boulevard Newton, Cite Descartes
77447 Marne la Vallee cedex 2
+33 1 81 66 88 86
[email protected]


Jean-Paul Rodrigue
Professor, Global Studies and Geography, Hofstra University
Van Horne Researcher in Transportation and Logistics, University of Calgary
University Transportation Research Center, Region 2 (UTRC)
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY  11549
516-463-6519 (fax)
[email protected]


Sangbeom Seo
Research Fellow, Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)
Director, Division for Logistics Policy and Industry, KOTI, Korea
315 Goyangdaero, Ilsanseo-Gu, Goyang City, Gyeonggi-Do 411-701, Korea
+82-31-910-3226 (fax)
[email protected]

Affiliated Faculty & Researchers


Genevieve Giuliano is Director of the METRANS Transportation Center.  Professor Giuliano holds the Margaret and John Ferraro Chair in Effective Local Government at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.  She is a leading international scholar known for her work in urban transport planning and policy. Under her leadership, METRANS has emerged as an internationally recognized research center with special expertise in urban freight.

Maged Dessouky is Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Director of the Epstein Institute at the University of Southern California.  Dr. Dessouky’s research areas include: logistics, distribution, transportation, supply chain management and optimization.

Petros Ioannou is Professor of Electrical Engineering Systems; and Director of the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology at the University of Southern California.  He also holds a joint appointment with the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and serves as Associate Director for Research for METRANS.  His research areas include adaptive control, neural networks, nonlinear systems, vehicle dynamics and control, intelligent transportation systems and marine transportation.

Thomas O'Brien is Executive Director of the Center for International Trade and Transportation (CITT) at California State University, Long Beach and Associate Director of METRANS.  He also serves as Director of Education and Outreach for MetroFreight.  Dr. O’Brien’s research focuses on port-related international trade.  He is an expert in training and education within the freight sector.

Seiji Steimetz is Associate Professor of Economics at California State University Long Beach.  His fields of specialization include transportation economics, urban economics, environmental economics and applied econometrics.  Recent research focuses on road pricing and the trucking industry.


Laetitia Dablanc is a Director of Research at IFSTTAR, French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks, University Paris-Est.  Dablanc is the Paris Team Leader and a freight specialist with extensive international experience.  Her research interests include city logistics and the spatial dynamics of logistics activities.

Josselin Rouhier recently graduated from the University of Toulouse with a Master of Geography and urban planning, specializing in transport and mobility. He joined the Paris MF team in January 2018 for a year, contributing to several research projects and preparation of the final MF Paris workshop in October 2018

Martin Koning serves as a Senior Researcher with a focus on economics at IFSTTAR.  Dr. Koning is involved with the Paris survey for the MetroFreight project.

Pierre Launay is a doctoral student working on research related to subcontracting in the urban freight industry.

Pierre Camilleri is a doctoral student, looking at the market uptake of electric commercial delivery vehicles in Europe.

Adrien Beziat recently completed his PhD at IFSTTAR with research in the area of urban goods distribution. His focus is on data processing (urban goods movement survey) and the impact of urban freight on congestion. He is now a post-doc researcher at LAET, Lyon.

Adeline Heitz recently completed her PhD at IFSTTAR with a research focus on logistics spatial patterns and systems. She is now a post-doc researcher at the University of Paris Marne la Vallee.

Neila Saidi recently completed her Master's degree in Architecture and Planning from the Architecture School of Marne la Vallee. Her topics include instant deliveries and digital deliveries as well as architectural innovations in urban warehouses.


Jean-Paul Rodrigue is an internationally recognized scholar in freight distribution and city logistics leading the New York Team.  Rodrigue is Professor of Global Studies and Geography at Hofstra University, and Van Horne Researcher in Transportation and Logistics at the University of Calgary. Professor Rodrigue’s research focuses on the geography of production and supply chains. 

Alison Conway is the Associate Director for New Initiatives at the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC).  Dr. Conway is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the City College of New York.  Her research specializations include commercial truck operations and policy, truck road pricing, size and weight impacts, security, and ITS technology applications.

Camille Kamga is the Director of the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), City College of New York.  In that role he works closely with federal, regional and state transportation planning and policy organizations. Dr. Kamga’s academic background in Civil Engineering supports his transportation research interests:  intelligent transportation systems; traffic incident management transportation operations, management and organizations; and, transportation safety urban sustainability.

David King is an Assistant Professor of Urban Planning at Columbia University.  His research explores the impact of local transportation planning on the built environment, public finance and accessibility. Dr. King also studies how public policy influences the adoption of new technologies to address congestion, energy and environmental concerns. 

Benjamin Miller’s work as an environmental policy planner has focused on the past, present, and future infrastructure of the New York metropolitan region, particularly its solid waste management systems and freight transport networks. He is currently the Senior Research Associate for freight programs at the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), Region 2.

Robert Paaswell serves in an Advisor role for the MetroFreight project.  Dr. Paaswell is Director Emeritus of the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), and a Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering at the City College of New York.  Dr. Paaswell has been involved in transportation operations, management and planning since the late 1960s.

Elliott Sclar is an Advisor for the MetroFreight project as well as a VREF Future Urban Transport (FUT) research program partner.  Dr. Sclar is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Urban Development and Professor of Urban Planning and International Affairs at Columbia University.  As an economist, Professor Sclar has written extensively about the strengths and limitations of markets as mechanisms for effective public policy implementation.  In recent years, Dr. Sclar has been a leading figure in a scholarly movement to reconnect the work of population health experts and urban planners in creating healthier cities.

Qian Wang is Assistant Professor, Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering, for the University at Buffalo.   Dr. Wang has a strong background in planning, forecasting and managing freight travel demand, and is extremely interested in commercial vehicle flow operations and freight logistics. Her other areas of expertise include:  transportation planning/travel demand forecasting; transportation economics; traffic engineering; and infrastructure planning, design and management.


Sangbeom Seo is a Research Fellow at the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) as well as the Director of the Division for Logistics Policy and Industry at KOTI, Korea. In addition, Sangbeom is currently the executive director of Korea Logistics Society, Korean Production and Operations Management Society and Foundation of Korea Logistics Industry Promotion. Dr. Seo is an expert in city logistics and has extensive ties with the logistics industry.  He leads the KOTI research on last-mile strategies.

Sung Ju Jeong is a Senior Research Fellow, Logistics Policy and Technology, at the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI).

Jee-Sun Lee, Associate Research Fellow, Department of Logistics Research, is a geographer specializing in freight data processing and analysis, freight facility location analysis, and the trucking industry for the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI).

Changjin Ahn is a Researcher in Logistics Policy and Technology for the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI).  As part of the MetroFreight Seoul team, Dr. Ahn is responsible for data collection and geo-statistical analysis.

Hong Seung Roh is a Research Fellow in the Department of Logistics Policy and Technology, for the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI). His research focuses on Port Logistics, Logistics Industry Policy, Logistics Technology, IT for Logistics and the Transport of Dangerous Goods.

Tai Hyeong Lee serves as Director of the Logistics Policy and Technology Division for KOTI.