Full: https://youtu.be/f34ab9rRL9o
Highlights: https://youtu.be/UFBN40rsGkM
Sequence analysis is used in this presentation to measure fragmentation in activity participation and travel. Fragmentation here is defined as the sequencing of many short and long activities and trips that happen in a personal daily schedule. Studying sequences (each activity at a place and each trip) is preferable over other techniques of studying activity-travel behavior because sequences include the entire trajectory of a person’s activity while jointly considering the number of activities and trips, their ordering, and their durations.
In this webinar, we will reveal at least nine distinct daily patterns with different sequencing of activities and travel as well as travel time ratios and modal split. These patterns include typical commute to work or school, staying at home all day, or travelling extensively. As expected, day of the week plays a major role in the type of daily activity-travel patterns. Travel time ratios are also examined for each daily pattern and we find differences in the role played within each pattern between central city, suburban, exurban, and rural dwellers. In a comparison of couples, we find systematically higher fragmentation in households that have children and their parents are employed with women showing higher fragmentation in their activity-travel patterns.
There is no fee to attend this webinar.
This webinar will be given by Konstadinos (Kostas) Goulias, a Professor of Transportation at the UC Santa Barbara Department of Geography since 2004. His research is on Large Scale Transportation Systems Modeling and Simulation, Travel Behavior Dynamics, Sustainable Transportation, Economic Geography Travel Survey Methods, Geocomputation and Geoinformation. He chairs the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research. He is also the co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Transportation Letters published by Traylor & Francis. He has a Laurea (six years and a thesis) in Engineering from University of Calabria, Italy, MS in Engineering from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a PhD in Engineering from University of California, Davis.
Find more researches by professor Konstadinos Goulias:
Vertical Equity Statewide Pilot, Data Inventory, and Guidelines for Performance Based Planning
An Analysis of Accessibility, Social Interaction, and Activity-Travel Fragmentation in California
Taxonomy & Fragmentation Presentation PSR Sep 2020.pdf