Introduction by Genevieve Giuliano
Welcome to our METRANS Blog PERSPECTIVES series. We have asked our experts to comment on the Hanjing Shipping Co bankruptcy, which took place on August 31, leaving cargo laden ships stranded around the world. Here are three entries from our faculty port and maritime experts. As always, our blog entries do not represent the view of METRANS or our funding organizations.
Genevieve Giuliano
Genevieve Giuliano is the Ferraro Chair in Effective Government at the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California, and Director of the METRANS Transportation Center. She conducts research on relationships between land use and transportation, transportation policy analysis, and information technology applications in transportation. Her current research includes examination of relationships between land use and freight flows, development of applications for transportation system analysis using archived real-time data, and analysis of commercial and residential development around transit stations. She has published over 160 papers, and has received several awards for her research contributions.