Project number: MT-15-02
Funding source: Caltrans
Contract number: 65A0533
Funding amount: $34,999
Performance period: 8/15/2015 to 8/14/2016
Project description
This research studied numerically the detrimental effects of liquefaction-induced ground movements during a seismic event at the Port of Long Beach, which is vital for the California freight network. The research included: i) the calibration of constitutive model parameters after a compilation of published subsurface investigation reports of the POLB and to determine the suitability of these parameters to reproduce laboratory tests following different stress paths and shear strain levels; ii) the assessment of the use of advanced constitutive models like the UBC3D-PLM to predict the behavior of the POLB Pier S when a seismic event induces liquefaction; iii) the recommendations regarding the resulting permanent deformations and residual strength of soils which could compromise the resiliency of the port