Graduate Colloquium on Redefining Mobility, to be held 10:30AM-1:50PM this Wednesday January 24 in:
UCI Division of Continuing Education
510 E. Peltason Dr.
Irivine, CA 92697
Glacier Bay A&B (Room numbers are 3050 & 3060)
Building 8 on UCI Campus Map
Lunch and refreshments will be served. The Colloquium is organized by ITS and co-sponsored by the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center.
Randy Iwasaki
Executive Director
Contra Costa Tranportation Authority (CCTA leads a partnership at GoMomentum Station in Concord, CA, the nation's largest secure testing facility for autonomous and connected vehicle technology)
Former Director of Caltrans
Ramin Massoumi
Senior Vice President and General Manager-Transportation Systems
Iteris, Inc. (Iteris provides municipalities and government agencies around the world with the necessary design, real-time analytics and actionable informatics to improve mobility within communities and to ready roadways for connected/autonomous vehicles and smart cities)
Philip Trom
Senior Regional Planner
San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) (The U.S. Department of Transportation has designated the San Diego region as one of ten proving grounds for autonomous vehicles in the nation, an initiative led by SANDAG, Caltrans, and the City of Chula Vista)
10:30-11:00am Refreshments
11:00am Plenary Session: Randy Iwasaki
Panel discussion with all speakers
Background: This Colloquium began as a modest effort to bring together transportation graduate students in Sarah Catz's urban planning and Prof Recker's and Saphores's concurrent civil engineering classes, to have planners and engineers discuss the current transformation of mobility and to share and understand different perspectives. As we have been able to secure both a larger venue and outstanding panel of speakers we are inviting all ITS graduate students and faculty to attend, and look forward to a stimulating and wide-ranging discussion.
For catering purposes, however, we must receive your RSVP by Monday noon. So, if you are NOT an enrolled student in this Wednesday's classes of Prof Catz, Recker or Saphores, please send your RSVP to Daphne Zamora in ITS: [email protected]