Investigation of Truck Data Collection using LiDAR sensing technology along Rural Highways
Project Summary
Project Number: PSR-19-51
Funding source: Caltrans
Contract number: 65A0674 TO 036
Funding amount: $135,000
Performance period: 5/1/2020 to 4/30/2021
Project description
LiDAR is an emerging technology that can provide detailed point-cloud measurements of objects. The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of LiDAR technology for accurate classification of trucks according to the established FHWA scheme along rural highway corridors as an alternative to in-pavement detector infrastructure - such as inductive loop sensors and piezo-based automatic vehicle classifiers which is not widely deployed along many rural highway corridors - and temporary sensors such as pneumatic road tubes, which expose workers to live traffic. This research will also investigate anonymous tracking of trucks with LiDAR across two locations using advanced algorithms. This can be used to measure spatial activity and travel time performance of trucks along instrumented corridors.
Stephen Ritchie Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering The Henry Samueli School of Engineering 4014 Anteater Instruction & Research BuildingIrvine, CA 92697 United States [email protected]